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Become a Partner

Become a rentOcart Marketplace Partner!​

India’s First Consumer Electronics Renting Marketplace that empowers businesses across the country to rent out their consumer durables and appliances with complete peace of mind.

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We know our customers better before renting

rentOcart runs secure multi-dimensional background checks on all its customers. A thorough KYC is done of customers and other credibility parameters are screened before we suggest our partners to do business with them.

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Efficient & hassle free payment mechanism

Once a customer is onboarded with the partner we also manage the subscription payments, reminders and ensure we do the follow up so that the customer payment experience is seamless. Our background technology ensures we take prior approval from the customer to charge for upcoming subscription and renewals.

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We have your back……

We understand even after the best of efforts there is a possibility that the rented hardware is broken or stolen, rentOcart protects its renters by giving them a sizeable coverage.

Want to rent on our platfrom?

I authorise rentOcart (WareShare Technologies Private Limited) and it’s representatives to contact me with updates and notifications via Email,Sms,WhatsApp and Call.This will override the registry on DND/NDNC.
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